• Prepared me for IEP meetings.

    The department's records clerk could efficiently retrieve records for records and staff requests, easily.

  • Painted a clearer picture of the IEP process.

    This has made my life so much easier. I have less anxiety when going to my files as a parent.

  • Kept my IEP files reliable and uniform.

    The classroom Support Aides were able to help me file my records because they were no longer worried about misfiling or needing to ask me where this or that goes with each piece of paper they came across.

Individualized Education Program (IEP) Dividers

All those legal documents, finally simplified

Take Back Your Time — With Pro-Filed

Pro-Filed helps you easily organize, file, and retrieve IEP documents.

“The dividers were extremely easy to use. I found it helpful to have instructions on the front of each divider listing each document that is to be compiled in that section. They were tremendously helpful for me to organize all of my daughter’s documents in a single binder. It has allowed me to be able to easily access her records. Now I can have the confidence I need knowing I am better prepared for her upcoming IEP meeting. This will save me a lot of time in the future. I will be able to access a document quickly because I will know exactly where to find it in the binder.”

 Special Education, Organized